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Singapore Estate Agents Association

Kelvin Neo: A Symbol of Success in the Digital Age

3 min red

Published date: Friday, August 9, 2019

ERA Senior Division Director Kelvin Neo doesn’t mince his words. Disarmingly candid, he catches you mid-conversation with an outrageously forthright quips, a trait symbiotic of those who come from rags to riches. He recently acquired his dream car as a reward to himself for enduring success garnered over nine years in the real estate industry. It has not been an easy journey, but Kelvin’s only regret is, “I wish I had joined the industry earlier.”

Fresh out of National Service at 20, he began a 15-year trudge through the construction industry, selling building materials to clients for five years before he was transferred to be a Project Manager in the painting contractor firm where he slogged for another decade.

The work was unrewarding, his customers were unappreciative, and he had no savings. Thankfully, his last boss encouraged him to try real estate. The rest, as they say, is history.


Giving Back

Fast forward nine years later; Kelvin now helms the Olympians Group, a strong team comprising several Division Directors and Top Achievers under his charge. He has amassed a vast property portfolio, established a passive income stream, and moved into a gorgeous showflat unit at Corals at Keppel Bay, enjoying luxury urban marina living.

He has been part of the ERA Givers’ Movement since its initiation, imparting his self-taught marketing techniques in the digital landscape in the Project Marketing Mastery of ERA’s Ultimate Agent Training series. This training stint fanned the flames of his interest in digital marketing. The self-proclaimed “computer illiterate” trainer invested over 150 hours and

thousands of dollars in educating himself on digital marketing technicalities, strategies, and know-how, to constantly fine-tune and perfect his digital marketing initiatives.

Today, boasting over 10,000 followers on Facebook, he imparts is newfound knowledge and success in digital marketing to the participants in the Facebook Audience Customisation and

Content Hacker course in ERA, in a bid to raise the digital quotient of all ERA teammates and to help them generate leads to boost their sales performance.

“Whether you are an agent or a consumer, let me show you how to create and grow your wealth with my help.”

– Kelvin Neo


Building a Legacy

His frank nature translates into a similar style of no holds barred leadership. He is unafraid to share all of his knowledge and experience with those under his charge, because he sees their success as a mark of his own. He has devised his own Real Estate Game Plan he imparts to his protégés.

This includes gems like:

  • How to easily reach your sales target?
  • How to maintain a sustainable income as a real estate agent?
  • How to be a top sales agent?

To individuals out there who want MORE out of life but have no idea how to go about achieving it, Kelvin only has this to say: Whether you are an agent or a consumer, let me show you how to create and grow your wealth with my help.

Don’t the excuses you give yourself today stop you from reaching the success you were meant to achieve tomorrow.

Get in touch with Kelvin today to explore lucrative property investment opportunities and benefit from expert guidance from one of the top property agents in Singapore, Kelvin Neo.


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